Friday, February 28, 2014
Saturday, December 20, 2008
One more since I'm on a roll
Now this is not quality video footage and the pace of the music doesn't match the lame attempt at riding and holding the camera still at the same time, but it is a post!! Enjoy 30 seconds of scintillating riding at Schaeffer Farms on the least technical section of the entire trail system.
This one is for you!!
IMG_0016, originally uploaded by bmpskier.
This post is for an apparently lonely high school girl who for some reason has bookmarked a blog of some 45 year old guy who rarely ever posts any updates, so this one is for you. Let's see what kind of awesome exciting stuff have I been up to since last Christmas. Hmm..... well a lot of stuff like the pic above, chasing other old guys around in tight shorts attempting to pass them and coming up short. So that was good. Hmm... what else, what else, my older daughter, Allison?, seems to be find me tolerable again, which is good. You might know her, I believe she is the one on the left and I believe the lonely high school bookmarker is in this pic as well.
Had a nice summer vacation. As you can see, my other daughter, who shall remain nameless is quite talented at drawing w/ glow sticks.

Went to the Rennaisance Festival to see the weirdness of that whole scene. Where do they find these people. This woman told me she has over 20 of those lovely face mask and she wears them around town. Seriously!! I dare you to have your Mom walk through the Mall wearing one of these for an hour w/ you. If you can actually do it, I'll give you some cold hard cash.

While I do live the life of a rock star, or at least a mini Paris Hilton, I'll keep the rest of my year secret since it will be published shortly in US magazine. Look for the pics of me and Nick Jonas attending the opening of Twilight together. We shared promise rings and popcorn, it was epic.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Christmas - Seems like a nice day for a ride

Even though I spent Christmas by myself I got a nice little gift from Mother Nature, a bright blue (Colorado Sky) 50 degree day. I had to take advantage and head out for a little ride at Schaeffer Farm. I expected the trails to be a little wet and slippery, but they were sweet and really grippy.

Given my lack of posting skills check back in August for another update. Later.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007
I Know It's Illegal.... actually beat someone's ass, but if you have a good reason, is it OK? Here is a pic of my brother doing what you do on a bike, having fun. Yes, he is acting stupid, riding shirtless, w/ a helmet in the snow, but that's what a bike is for, having fun. Tonight my bike ride ended on a very unfun note. As I was riding back home on MacArthur up to the light by Brookmont some idiotic teenagers started yelling at me to get off the road and get on the sidewalk, of course my first thought is always if the name of something has the word "walk" in it, maybe I shouldn't "ride" on it, but I I politely told the kid to F Off! and of course they speed away laughing. As fate would have it they are stopped at the light as I reach the top of the hill. I politely ask the kid if he would like to step out of the car so I can beat his ass and he proceeds to whip a carton of McDonald's fries at me, with my cat like reflexes I ducked the fries and went to grab the kid in the car. Well that didn't go over very well and they sped off, which of course only made me more angry. I should have gotten the tag or done something more "adult" like ignore them, but I didn't, and of course was angry the rest of the way home. Nice way to ruin what was supposed to be a fun mellow ride.
Old Skate Pics

Well being a very non-regular poster I was motivated by Joel's pics of old skate photos from back in the day, for me the late 70's. I went in search of a bunch of pictures from the Crofton Skate Park, Harry's Backyard, drain shots and I could only find this picture. This a really early shot, I'm guessing '76 or so, probably 7th grade on the ramp Harry and I built from wood we stole from the local construction site by WMAL towers. We eventually added about 2 feet of vertical to this with some stolen coping as well along with a sweet tape player nailed to the tree to play all our favorite songs. Biggest air always during "Slow Ride" from Foghat. This tandem shot is not so rad, but hey it's a pic and a blog entry. If I can track down some more pics I'll post for anyone who cares. I have a sweet hand plant shot from Crofton if I can find it.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Catch Up

Monday, March 05, 2007
Sunday, March 04, 2007
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